I am Ted. I was born a male and I know I am a male. My skin color is white, and I know I am white. My parents are white, my grandparents were white, and I have no reason to suspect my other ancestors were anything other than white. These are foundational, irrefutable truths about myself. I do not think I am anything other than what I am. Nor do I desire to be anything other than what I am.
I am a Christian. In order to better define my faith—as there are many who profess Christianity—I am a “biblical” Christian. I believe that the Bible is the Word of God, that it is to be taken literally, and that it instructs a pattern and way of life that all believers should embrace. At the age of 24—after having lived a life of my own choosing and while searching for God who, if He was real, I wanted to know—I turned to Him and I was born again. My transformation as a new creation in Christ began immediately and it continues to this day. My faith in and relationship to Jesus Christ are as foundational and irrefutable as my gender and race.
I am writing in response to that which had been extensively covered by the secular media during the Spring and Summer of 2015: a man who reportedly, throughout his life, had considered himself a female and who had been “transitioning” into a woman; a white woman who had insisted that race is “fluid” and that she is black; and the redefinition of marriage by the Supreme Court of the United States of America affecting, as well, the definition of “family” for an entire nation. These are topics which simply cannot be minimized or otherwise ignored.
The white woman lacked much public support for her explanation of race. In fact, she was significantly ridiculed for her stance. This was not true, however, regarding gender identification or “gay” marriage and family issues, and one must wonder why. If a “genetically/physiologically-constructed” male can be accepted by others as a woman simply because that’s what he thinks he is, and if a man can “marry” a man and a woman can “marry” a woman and be accepted as a married couple by others under the premise of equal rights and because that’s what they want to do, why can’t a white woman be accepted as a black woman when she is convinced that she is black?
The question raised is one of reality. Even though I may think I am the greatest pianist and music composer of all times, the evidence simply does not support that conviction. Even though a white woman says she is black, the evidence likewise does not support that conviction. Also true is that of a man who says he is a woman. The genetic and physiological evidence does not support that conviction. Without the redefinition of marriage, two people of the same sex cannot be married. And regardless of definition, they cannot reproduce on their own, one of God’s primary purposes for marriage.
Without God, man does what is right in his own eyes. So-called “progressive thinking” is simply man’s attempt, given his rejection of God, at better understanding the world and better addressing and solving its problems. Essentially, “anything goes” based upon the latest of ideas.
A biblical Christian, however, believes that God has designed, has created, and is very much involved in the universe … even in the individual lives of people who live in it. There are absolutes. There is a distinction between right and wrong. There are moral values and—something that we frequently forget in these modern times—there is an eternity ahead. As a result of progressive thinking, Darwinism now replaces Creationism, within much of our education system, students as well as teachers who profess faith in the God of the Bible are ridiculed and are otherwise discriminated against, millions of pre-born babies (the politically correct prefer calling them “fetuses”) have been legally dismembered, burnt, crushed, suctioned and pharmacologically murdered (aborted), and no-fault divorce has ravaged the families of our nation. Just look at those things that used to be considered wrong or evil which are now a normal part of our “progressing” society.
And what about eternity? Doesn’t that matter anymore, either?
In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage, then-President Barack Obama, clearly one of our nation’s more powerful, progressive thinkers, indicated his desire that “religious people” respond accordingly by modifying their definition of marriage as well. Believing in the God of the Bible as the Creator of the universe and as the One who designed and ordained marriage as a life-long covenant between one man and one woman, I respectfully decline Mr. Obama’s request. As the world in its own fashion deviates from the design and will of God, a true believer in Christ is called to follow Him. Jesus said, Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. –Mat 7:13-14 NIV
I am Ted. I am a white male. I am a Christian who desires not to belittle, mock, or otherwise mistreat those with whom I may disagree, but there will be disagreements. I am called to love God and to love my neighbor as myself, regardless of who my neighbor might be. My ultimate hope is not found in this world. It is found in eternity with Christ. And my prayer for others is that they, too, may come to know Him, receive forgiveness of their sins, be transformed into the people God so desires, and spend an eternity with Him. This is not a popular message found in today’s liberal media. But for those who are interested, for those who are seeking something much better than what this world has to offer, God has an answer: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. –Joh 3:16